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Mechanical Behaviour of Soft Tissue

To speak of tensegrity, is necessary to speak of the trusses, initially. Trusses are an interconnected set of bars in which the links are given at the extremity of them. The links are considered kneecaps, so they do not give moment to the other bars. With this setting, interesting properties are observed. The bars, regardless of the external request, are only loaded with forces of compression or traction. Therefore, there are not shear strength or internal moments. They are also capable of handling hard requests than if they were a single bar, ie, is necessary to have a bar too thick to support the same that a truss that has a less weight supports. They are easier to transport and assemble and may have specific bars replaced if there is any incident without losing the structure as a whole.

A structure with tensegrity is a truss in which, for any loading, the compressive elements suffer only compression and are represented by bars; the traction elements suffer only traction and can be replaced by cables without loss of stability and function of the structure. This is due to the geometry of the structure that consists in maintaining the stability of the system. It follows from this fact that not all trusses structures can be structures with tensegrity, but all these structures can be replaced by trusses with no problem.


Figure 1 - Structure with the principles of tensegrity

As some biomechanical problems, especially the structural problems of large living beings, are not solved using traditional principles of mechanics, begin to think on tensegrity as a possible solution. For example, when mounting an experience of request the head weight of a common human being in the column of a skeleton is proved that the column acting separately can not resist these forces and the bones of the vertebrae are broken. But day by day our columns supporting loads far greater than the weight of our head consuming little power. How is it possible? The theory of tensegrity search try solve problems in a cinematic nature, incorporating at the structural system muscles, ligaments and tendons and with high load consuming minimal power, ie, at the same way that our body works.



Figure 2 - Model of the column with tensegrity.

Through the use of this new theory, intended to model a vertebral column that supports the actual external demands, be flexible, with movement and that consumes little power. Additionally, in partnership with IST Lisbon, aims to streamline the steps of a surgical correction of scoliosis through finite element modeling using the parameters of the tensegrity.

TEAM: Ana Lydia Reis Castro e Silva, Estevam Barbosa de las Casas, Sérgio Teixeira da Fonseca, David Gonçalves de Oliveira and Lucas Ferreira Ricoy.

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